Active travel resources

Community Cycle Centre

The Community Cycle Centre is a volunteer run project to recycle, repair and distribute bikes. It takes in unwanted, unloved and abandoned bikes and nurses them back to health. These are then given, in return for a small donation to cover costs, to those without wheels.

Greenpeace Portsmouth

The local Greenpeace group for the Portsmouth Area (Gosport, Fareham, Wickham, Petersfield, Chichester, IOW etc). They say: 'Come along to our monthly meet-up to have a beer and a chat and help us plan our activities for the next month!'


Let Pompey Breathe

Let Pompey Breathe is a campaign for safe air quality in Portsmouth. It is a joint initiative involving Portsmouth Green Party, Portsmouth Friends of the Earth, Milton Neighbourhood Forum, and other groups concerned with the dangerous air quality locally.


Portsmouth Friends of the Earth

Portsmouth Friends of the Earth wants to create a safer climate, flourishing nature, and healthy air, water and food, now and for future generations. They work with the local authority, and other campaign groups with this goal.


Portsmouth Playing Out

Portsmouth Playing Out is part of a parent and resident led movement restoring children’s freedom to play out in the streets and spaces where they live, for their health, happiness and sense of belonging.


UK Flyers

UK flyers is a local printing company that also delivers flyers and posters. They have recently secured funding from the Council’s workplace sustainable travel fund for an e-cargo bike and pool bike. Their standard flyer stock is FSC certified and any paper used is recycled locally.